There’s no denying it, things change. “All things are impermanent” is an axiom often attributed to the Buddha, but we can find similar statements throughout history. It is an undeniable truth. Some belief systems hold that although material things change, there is something fundamental that doesn’t: the soul, God, our psyche, and so on. I… Continue reading Changes
Category: Bez kategorii
O Eriku
Powiedzieć, że Erik jest nauczycielem angielskiego, to powiedzieć połowę prawdy. Erik jest błyskotliwym i pełnym empatii rozmówcą, który potrafi cierpliwie i skutecznie przeprowadzić przez pułapki i subtelności języka angielskiego. To say that Erik is an English teacher is to say half of the truth. Erik is a brilliant and emphatic interlocutor who patiently and effectively… Continue reading O Eriku
We have a saying in English, “You can never have too many friends”. But what is a “friend”? One of the biggest differences in American and Polish culture is the definition of friend, or, maybe more accurately, who gets to be included as a friend, and who is merely an acquaintance. For Americans, the friend… Continue reading Friends
Polish/American Summer
July 30, 2023 Note: keep scrolling to see exercises based on this blog entry Full confession: summer is probably my least favorite season. It’s hot, itchy and sticky. And with all the sweat, dust, sunscreen lotion and bug spray on your skin, one can never get completely clean. However, so far, this summer has been… Continue reading Polish/American Summer
American in Poland
March 31, 2023 An American in Poland. That’s what people think of me. But, what does that mean? Personally, I don’t really feel like an American. But my wife, who is Polish, frequently reminds me of my Americanness. In the first few months after my arrival, she would often comment on how much space I’d… Continue reading American in Poland